Thursday, October 15, 2009

A whole new world to me!

Well, this is the first of many to come, hopefully! I never understood what all this blog was about, and then one day, just recently, God said "BLOG"....... Naturally I had no idea of what to do! I have heard everyone and their sister has one, but I was clueless. Oh, and I am still clueless :)!
I guess this all goes back years but don't worry, I won't take you there all in one post! My husband and I are Christian and lean towards the conservative side. We have 6 children and we home-school them all. The oldest is 17 and the youngest is now 5. Boy, that will make you feel old!
About 2 years ago, my many on again off again, lifelong symptoms came to a crash, literally! My body just simply said, enough! I went on for a year with no diagnoses and no doctor serious about finding out what was wrong. Until, that one day... I woke up, and had no center vision in my right eye! I had been so sick with kidney stones and 104 fevers that I didn't even feel like going to another doctor, I just wanted to stay home in my bed with my children and die! Fortunately for me I have an abundance of love in tis little house and nobody here, was going to let me just fade off into the distance!  My husband bundled me up, and took me to the son of the previous doctor I had been seeing. Little did I know, that that would be the first day of a new life for me. The first thing out of the doctors mouth was "you need to see the eye specialist,TODAY" and he went and arranged it. Wow, I was shocked, I couldn't believe that the doctor was concerned about my health. I was used to being told, "nothing wrong".......
Well, the eye doctor found a problem with my optic nerve. "Optic Neuritis...." he said with a shocked look on his face,"it's rare!  You don't have MS do you?". My husband and I just looked stunned at each other, tears running down my face! All I could think of, is I am for sure gonna die now!....
That visit led me to a neurologist specializing in MS. After all the test,including a lumbar puncture that leaked, the answer was in! It is MS :(  By this time I had researched a found out I was probably not going to die from it and that it would just make me miserable all my life,lol! However, when the doctors explained that there is no know treatment for the disease, only for symptoms, I just about lost my mind!
Now, let me take you back to my home! There are 6 children that have been caring for their sick mommy waiting for good news, but it just has never come! My darling children have been up and down a rollercoaster ride that they don't want on! Yet, the grace that thee sweet children display everyday, overwhelms my every cell! My God has blessed me with little people in my life, that take care of me! Yet I feel like a failure.... I am supposed to care for them! Yes, that is my job description, MOTHER!
Well, it has been a year since the diagnoses, and many medications and failed treatments later, here I am sick, in bed, using a wheelchair! However, I no longer feel like a failure! Yes... my children have adapted to help care for me, but in the truest since, I am still caring for them! Every I love darling, every kissed boo boo, every wiped away tear! I am learning to take care of them with the abilities that The Lord has given me! I dare to say, that we have grown from it all! There are wounds, and boy will you hear more of them.... but our family has learned to grow, take new shape and yet still be who we are and serve God, happily! I will be sharing more soon. just wanted to introduce you to our family! We are glad you are here and we welcome you to our famliy!......


  1. Wow,you are a loving mother indeed:)
    I am a friend on Facebook and now I am reading your blog.You have been added to my subscriptions,prayers and love sent from my family to yours:)

  2. Audra, I had no idea you have been going through so much. I'm humbled by reading your post. No longer will I complain so much about the discomforts of arthritis. You are blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive family!

  3. I will enjoy reading your blog:) I know that you want to do for your children, but your kids will be blessed to learn what it means to give unselfishly to others through this experience.

    Praying for a cure:)

  4. You have a story to share that will encourage and help others. Go for it!!!

  5. It's nice to meet you Audra! I look forward to your future blog posts as well. I'm happy to have found another homeschooling, Christian and conservative mom out there! Blessings to you and your family!

  6. wow! u r a such great mother in the world. even u are going through so much hard in ur life, bt i believe with ur family's love and their care, u become more strong to handle urself. whtever it is, be friend n i always pray fr ur health. take care :)
