It has been a while since my last post. I had a very hard time feeling motivated to write as I had in the past! I have had some set backs in managing my MS. We have had emotional set backs as a family. We have also continued to go without income, which makes financial issues grow and grow!
I am now taking a new treatment for MS called LDN. The drug has been harsh on me but waiting on the benefits has been even harder! The Copaxone shots failed and caused serious side effects. We are still trying to raise funds to go have a stem cell treatment in Panama. I have grown weaker and weaker! My emotional state has grown weak along with my physical. I just keep wondering, WHEN will God save me from this all! I wonder WHEN will God make things better for my children! If I allow myself, I can get very down about this all!
However, I have made a promise to myself, my children and my God!...... I can not question when, where, why! I have to continue to focus on the here and now...I have to continue to steal away a few moments in the day with my children... Praying they do not forget the kind of mommy I was before this illness. Some days I try to convince myself that there is nothing wrong with me..... but the pain and weakness bring me back to reality!
God never promised that we would have health here on earth....He never said it would be easy! I have to remain strong and faithful ..... trusting that God will not give me more then I can handle!!!! After all, what else do we have, right! If you do not have God and allow Him to save you, allow Him to heal you, allow Him to comfort you..... then life isn't really worth living! I find great comfort in Knowing, that God can in an instant.... take all this pain, provide all our financial needs, give peace and emotional rest to my darling children!!!.....
I am so thankful to have all my friends, family and followers! You all support me, love me and encourage me..... you all have no idea what you do for me.... You allow me to bring my hearts concerns a emotions to you guys, instead of burdening my sweet family!
In conclusion..... I am trying my hardest to Stand Firm on the Ground that God has put me on! He knows my heart and my strength, He knows what I can handle and only wants me to trust in HIM!!
Thank you to all my friends...... I love you all! God Bless You All...........
Praying for you Audra.