Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Field Trip!

Wow, can't sleep so I figured what better to do than share todays blessings! Today was a day of exciting adventure..... meeting new friends and visiting the t.v. station KSAT! We arranged a tour and met 2 local home-school families there, that we had not met in person before! One mom had 2 sweet quiet children that were just a bit too shy to participate much but I can tell that they will get along very well with our children once we have more play days! Angela, the mom , is very positive, uplifted, excited! It was a pure joy to get to know her a bit better even though she pronounced my name wrong... I did not correct it because we were so busy with the tour! The other mom had her roommate and her 3 adorable children..... her 2 girls seemed adventurous and her son seemed reserved and quiet. I think the girls run the house over there,lol! Diana was also as I expected... very sweet and easy to be around! Just what we needed, new friends to have new adventures with!
Our trip to the station was a bit different than I had expected! It was an older building that smelled of mildew.... It was cramped and a bit hard to get around in the wheelchair but we made it! It was a special surprise to get to watch the weatherman actually do the weather live!.... My goofy mom disrupted him by taking flash photos during the live feed! We were so embarrassed.... He took it pretty well! He said "I forgot to mention no flash photos during live feed" and then continued "well, they will think it's lightening"! Praise God for humor....... The kids had fun learning how they put our news on T.V.!
I think the very best moment of the trip was when they wrapped my 5 year  old, Shepherd, in the "green" blanket.... in front of the green screen, and his little head was floating on the news screen! So cute so much fun! Also,my husband bumped a very important button with his caboose on the way out and Praise God, they tech guy fixed that pronto,lol!.............
The field trip was followed up by Grandma Sam treating our family to McDonalds! I can honestly say, though a very humble trip, nothing amazing(other than floating heads) I was so blessed just to get out of my home and breathe in the fresh air, while spending time with my beautiful family and new friends! I realized that not all trips have to be grand and elaborate...... Just being with loved ones, is enough for me!


  1. Awesome blog !! I can tell that it really comes from your heart - keep up the good work & God Bless You & Your Family !!

  2. I LOVE your opinion of our family! You where pretty right on except my son being "quiet and reserved". It was just to early in the a.m for him! When he is alert and awake WATCH OUT! I really got a laugh out of the part about women running our household. Yes, this is definatly an estorgen driven family and has been for generations: ). We loved meeting your family as well and hopefully the weather will be better for the next field trip and the kids can go to the park and have time to play and socialize.

  3. Diana, we had a blast and Look forward to more.............
